Year 3 Spelling, Grammar and Creativity Worksheets FREE sample (5 worksheets) including Answers

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5 worksheets:

Alphabet – to put words into alphabetical order.

Dictionary – to understand that a dictionary gives the meaning of words. Word Families – to recognise members of a word family.

Thesaurus – to use a thesaurus to find words with similar meanings.

Thesaurus – to use a thesaurus to find words with similar meanings.

Thesaurus – to use a thesaurus to find words with similar meanings.

Taken from: Grammar and Creativity for Year 3

Good writing may start with an exciting idea, but it needs structure to make sense to a reader. Grammar provides a framework on which to display the imagination.

Writing brings together individual expression and an understanding of the rules that allow our language (any language) to make sense. This book has been written with the view that grammar and creativity go hand in hand to produce good writing. Developing children’s understanding of the basics of English will encourage their literary adventures. The range of activities here has been designed to excite interest as well as guide children and teachers through the rules.