Year 1 Phonics Phase 5- Pets

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As the story has a repetitive structure, it should be accessible to children who are secure at Letters and Sounds Phase 4 and familiar with some aspects of Phase 5. The following vowel digraphs and trigraphs are included and could be revisited as part of your phonics sessions: Phase 3: ‘oa’, ‘ai’, ‘oo’, ‘ur’, ‘ar’, ‘er’, ‘igh’, ‘air’ Phase 5: ‘a-e’, ‘ay’, ‘ie’, ‘i-e’, ‘ea’, ‘ou’

Taken from Make Phonics Fun: Summer. For each topic covered there are two pages of practical teacher’s notes offering activity ideas to help you make the best use of the resources and texts provided. Activities are clearly signposted to indicate whether they are most suitable for shared, guided or independent reading sessions and, where relevant, opportunities for writing and for developing speaking and listening skills are also highlighted.
The book makes frequent references to the phases of Letters and Sounds.

Each topic within Make Phonics Fun is supported by a range of lively and appealing pupil texts – including original stories, fascinating non-fiction and quality poetry.

There are two photocopiable activity sheets for each topic, providing a range of fun things to do – from reading games which involve listening for specific phonemes, to sequencing activities and track games providing sounding out and blending practice

At the heart of each topic within this book is a carefully selected list of 40 real and pseudo words (20 words for Section 1 and 20 words for Section 2), building a word bank, from topic to topic and term to term, that
will cover the broad range of grapheme-phoneme correspondences that the children should be familiar with by the time they approach the end of Year 1