
Phase 5 Phonics Reading Book with Comprehension Questions ‘A New Friend’

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The story ‘A New Friend’

This book is designed for use with children who are being taught

Phase 5 Letters and Sounds. Children working at this level should be able to write using Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs, such as ‘ch’ and ‘igh’ with accuracy in their independent writing and be beginning to select and use the appropriate alternative spellings to these where appropriate.

Turn to the story and show children the front cover. Discuss what they think the book might be about and then open to the first page. Fold the book so the children can only see the illustration and you can only see the text. This is not a reading assessment. Children are not expected to read the text.

Read the text to the group and then ask the questions printed at the bottom of each page.

Read each page at a time and ask the questions as they go along, or read the entire book and go back to revisit the questions on each page at the end.

Invite children to write the key words on their paper, ensuring that as you say them you do not sound-talk the words or elongate the sounds in the words for them.