
Year 4, R.E, Becoming an Adult Unit of Work

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Unit resources
Medium-term plan
Lesson 1: Belonging to a group
Lesson 2: Confirmation and believer’s baptism
Lesson 3: Bar Mitzvah
Lesson 4: Amrit ceremony
Lesson 5: Taking responsibility
Lesson 6: Initiation ceremonies

About this unit This unit is intended to explore becoming an adult and discuss the themes that are addressed by different religious initiation ceremonies and their effect on people’s lives. Not all religions have specific ceremonies welcoming members into adulthood but Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism do. In this unit we will look at three religions: Christianity, Judaism and Sikhism, together with a non-religious view: humanism. This unit allows pupils to consider the commitment involved in deciding to become a full member of a religious community. Prior learning: This unit will build on the work completed in Year 3 on birth ceremonies. Lesson length: The lessons are designed to last approximately 60–70 minutes.

Taken from our R.E Lower Keystage 2 Resource File

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