LinguaNova Materials Yrs 3 – 6

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Year 3

Unit 1 Moi (All about me)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: The languages we speak / Meeting and greeting / Introducing yourself / Numbers 1-10 / How old are you? / Introducing your family / Assessment lesson

Unit 2 On fait la fête! (Let’s party)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: Let’s count to twenty! / What day is it? / Happy Birthday! (1) / Happy Birthday! (2) / Celebrations and festivals in France / Assessment lesson

Unit 3 À l’ècole maternelle (At Primary School)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: What is the date today / The alphabet / My school items / What is in our classroom? / Teacher says… / It’s playtime!

Unit 4 Une histoire d’animaux (A story of animals)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: Meet the animals / Animal Orchestra / Animal descriptions / Animal habitats / Carnival time / Storytelling: The four friends

Unit 5 Les Portraits (portraits)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: Heads, shoulders, knees and toes / The colours of the rainbow / Funny faces / Brico-monstre (Make-a-monster) / Il a les yeux bleus (He has blue eyes) / Elle a les cheveux blonds (She has blond hair)

Unit 6 A vos marques, prêts, partez! (On your marks, get set, go!)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: The farmer’s in his den / How many farmers? / Playground games / Numbers 0-21 / Favourite playground games / I like playing hide and seek

Year 4

Unit 7 Ça pousse (Growing things)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: The grape harvest festival / Do you like vegetables? / Life cycle of a plant / Jack and the Beanstalk / At the market / Buying fruit and vegetables / Assessment lesson

Unit 8 L’argent de poche (Pocket money)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: Numbers 1-20 and gifts / Buying birthday gifts in a shop / Likes and dislikes / Treasure hunt! / Buying Christmas and birthday presents / Advertising a product / Assessment lesson

Unit 9 La santé (Health and wellbeing)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: I play tennis / Elodie loves tennis / Swimming is relaxing / Diary of sporting activities / Healthy eating / Healthy living poster campaign

Unit 10 On y Va (Let’s go)

Medium-term plan

5 Lesson plans: Countries in Europe / On the way to school / Les pays francophones et le transport / Ma carte de France / Les pays francophones – les drapeaux

Unit 11 Quelle heure est-il Monsieur Loup? (What’s the time, Mr Wolf?)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: Telling the time / Mon matin (My morning) / Le petit déjeuner (Breakfast time!) / Le soir (The evening) / Le soir chez moi (The evening at my house) / Ma semaine (My week)

Unit 12 Quel temps fait-il? (What’s the weather like?)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: Quel temps fait-il? (What’s the weather like?) / Ça rime! / Quelle est la temperature? / Le vent et le soleil (The wind and the sun) / Vêtements d’hiver, vêtements d’été (Winter clothes, Summer clothes)

Year 5

Unit 13 On mange! (Let’s eat)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: What’s in your lunchbox / Do you like your lunch? / Is it healthy? /

Celebration of food / How old are you? / Introducing your family / Assessment lesson

Unit 14 Au café (At the café)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: Café food and drink / The Waiter’s song / Café menus / Ordering an ice cream / Making a milkshake / Christmas lunch dialogues / Assessment lesson

Unit 15 La musique m’inspire! (Music inspires me!)


6 Lesson plans: I play the piano / I love pop music / Music of the world / The rhythm of the beat / It’s a rap! / Performing a rap

Unit 16 L’école et la routine scolaire ( School and school routine)

Medium-term plan

4 Lesson plans: Places in our school / School activities / Telling the time / What time is maths?

Unit 17 Notre monde (The world around us)

Medium-term plan

6 Lesson plans: Travelling across continents / Finding locations / What to see and do in France / French speaking countries/regions / International travel / Foreign pen pals

Unit 18 Afrique

Medium-term plan

5 Lesson plans: Voyage autour du monde / Les animaux dans le monde / Paysages et Habitats / La France et l’Afrique – Comparaison / Un Monde Imaginaire

Year 6

Unit 19 Je suis un artiste! (I am an artist!)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: French Painters / Describing a beach scene painting (1) / Describing a beach scene painting (2) / A bit of poetry (1) / A bit of poetry (2) / Assessment lesson

Unit 20 Les quatre saisons (The four seasons)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: Clothes (1) / Clothes (2) / Weather and seasons / Months and seasons / The myth of Persephone / The world of Hades and Persephone / Assessment lesson

Unit 21 Les planétes (The planets)

Medium-term plan

7 Lesson plans: Introducing the planets / Describing the planets (1) / Describing the planets (2) /

Distances from the sun / Compound descriptive planet sentences / Presenting the planets / Assessment lesson

Unit 22 Ma Ville

Medium-term plan

5 Lesson plans: En ville / Sur le chemin de l’école / Les directions / Les horaires (Travel times) / À l’office du tourisme

Unit 23 Ma famille et moi

6 Lesson plans: Frères et sœurs / Les personnalités / L’arbre généalogique (Family tree) / Descriptions physiques / Ma famille et la mode / Décrire en detail

Unit 24 Le Sport et le temps libre

5 Lesson plans: Mes préférences / Le Sport au futur / Les Jeux Olympiques (1) / Les Jeux Olympiques (2) / Mon temps libre

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