KS2 Guided Reading- Analysing a Horror Genre

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Taken from Unit 1 UKS2 Literacy Resources File

Horror stories have common features, such as: – a setting that is uncomfortable, creepy or scary. Often these are unusual places; – use of darkness and cold to unsettle the reader; – use descriptive words to create an atmosphere – appealing to all the reader’s senses; – create suspense through building up tension and sudden action; – suspense is built through long compound sentences and action is sudden and ‘jumpy’ conveyed through short, dramatic sentences; – dramatic endings and use of cliffhangers. – there will usually be a sinister, evil villain There is often an element of guesswork through clues given in the text. Who is bad – or carried out an evil deed – can be hidden and concludes with a moment of revelation; – include simplistic themes of right and wrong, and good over evil.

This sheet is designed to prompt discussions on the features of a specific genre.

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