
History – Year 3/4 – The Romans – Why have people invaded and settled in Britain in the past?

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In this unit, children are introduced to the idea that people from other societies have been coming to settle in Britain for a long time. They consider the effects of the invasion and settlement of the Romans on Britain. There is emphasis on historical enquiry, using artefacts and Roman sites and interpretations of his

This unit Includes:
Medium-Term Plan
Preparatory information

Lesson 1 On the move
The purpose of this lesson is: to consider why people move away from where they were born.

Lesson 2 Invaders and settlers
The purpose of this lesson is: to establish that the Romans invaded and settled in Britain

Lesson 3 Who were the Celts?
The purpose of this lesson is: for the children to develop a clear understanding of who the Celtic people were.

Lesson 4 The Romans
The purpose of this lesson is: to investigate who the Romans were, and why they came to Britain.

Lesson 5 The Roman Army in Britain
The purpose of this lesson is: to find out about the Roman Army and how it involved in the occupation of Britain

Lesson 6 Roman battle formations
The purpose of this lesson is: to familiarize children with Roman Army drill.

Lesson 7 Who was Boudicca?
The purpose of this lesson is: to establish who Boudicca was and why she was important.

Lesson 8 The revolt of the Iceni
The purpose of this lesson is:to learn what happened in AD 60 and about the short- and long-term results of Boudicca’s revolt.

Lesson 9 Life in a Roman home
The purpose of this lesson is: to investigate Roman domestic life

Lesson 10 Life in Roman Britain
The purpose of this lesson is: to further investigate life in Roman Britain.

Lesson 11 Visit to a Roman site
The purpose of this lesson is: to visit a Roman site

Lesson 12 Roman festival
The purpose of
this lesson is: to consolidate the learning in this unit.


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