Art EYFS Unit 4 Collage


Unit 4 Collage contents

Shapes and colours / Arranging shapes / Tonal variations / Weaving with collage materials / Grids / Tearing and contrasting / Shapes and patterns / Figures and scaling / Still life / Make a face / Make a frame


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SKU: D-ADEY-U-COL Categories: , ,


Collage has been used in art throughout the
twentieth century as a form of picture making
involving cutting, tearing, arranging and sticking.

The main artists to use collage were Picasso
and Matisse, but many other artists employed
this approach to picture making; some, like Kurt
Schwitters, who was a prisoner of war in the
Lake District, used found papers such as tickets,
envelopes and bills to make works, simply because
it was all he had.

Montage is the art of using photographs as
‘collage’ material to create new pictures. The use
of textiles in ‘collage’ work is generally known as
Appliqué, and will be covered in the section on
Textiles. Frottage is the term for using rubbings as
collage material.

Children should be given the opportunity to make
choices about what to use to make pictures, and
at the same time extend their manipulative skills
and confidence in handling collage materials and
equipment. It is therefore very important to have a
good range of materials available for the children
to select from, and not just the glossy sticky-backed papers or the pre-cut shapes available
commercially, although they do have their place
along with papers from magazines, wallpaper
swatches, sweet wrappers and so on.

At certain times during the year it should be
possible to take children outside and encourage
them to use natural materials to build works, as
can be seen in works made by the artist Andy
Goldsworthy, which is covered in Unit 3 Sculpture,
Part B Session 3.

As a consequence of engaging with collage
materials, children can enhance their learning
about colour and shape, and about the patterns
applied to certain papers and objects for
decorative purposes.

The session information is presented in a form
that encourages the progression of skills and
experiences. These should be used to build upon
and extend the understanding, knowledge and
experience of each child.


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