Art EYFS Unit 3 Sculpture


Unit 3 Sculpture contents

Part A Modelling 

Working with clay / Making faces / 3-D Modelling / Sausages and strings / 3-D Head / 3-D Animal 

Part B Constructing 

Card relief / Material relief / Natural relief / 3-D Structure

99983 in stock

SKU: D-ADEY-U-SCU Categories: , ,


The work of sculptors is generally carried out
in three dimensional or relief forms, but is
also seen as mobiles. Sculpture is now made
in a huge variety of materials, natural and
manufactured, and can be modelled, carved,
constructed and cast.

Sculptors from earlier times, associated with
artists such as Michelangelo, traditionally
carved figures, animals and birds. From the
early twentieth century, a new breed of artists,
such as Picasso, turned away from traditional
materials and subjects and, influenced by
primitive works from Africa, began to use
recycled natural and made objects in their work.
Articles such as boxes, toys, mechanical objects,
burnt wood, plastics, leaves and pebbles are
used in works by many contemporary artists.

Children should have the opportunity to
work three dimensionally and in relief, using
malleable materials (play dough, plasticine
and clay), as well as resistant materials such as
tubes, boxes, metal foil and plastics. They should
explore the technology of fixing and fitting
things together, and also work with natural
materials, using their imagination, ingenuity
and natural curiosity. At certain times during
the year it should be possible to take children
outside and encourage them to use natural
materials to build works, as can be seen in those
made by the artist Andy Goldsworthy.

Over a period of time every child should have
the opportunity to experience a wide range of
3-D activities, learning about the possibilities
of different materials and how to join them

The following activities and information
encourage a progression of skills and
experiences that should be used to build upon
and extend the knowledge and confidence of
each child.


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